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Ethics of Mercy for Those in Wounded Marital Love According to Amoris Laetitia

By Emmanuel Maddhichetty Sdb
TPI Dissertation Series In Stock
ISBN: ISBN 978-93-95623-00-0


It's a rare book that explores Amoris Laetitia (AL) in order to systematically cull out the Ethics of Mercy present in it for those in Wounded Marital Love (WML). When moral theologians across the world study in isolation the Eighth chapter of AL and give either an outright positive prospect or an exaggerated negative outlook on it, this work studies the whole document and presents a comprehensive, balanced and critical view on its call for showing mercy to those in WML. The issue of granting mercy to those in WML and finding proper ways to include them in the life and ministry of the Church are analysed theologically, ethically and pastorally in this book.