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Elijah Cycle (1 kings 17 -19)

By Antonysamy Madalaimuthu
TPI Dissertation Series In Stock
ISBN: 978-93-88953-14-6


This book titled Elijah Cycle (1 Kings 17-19): A Historical-Critical Study of its Compatibility in the Deuteronomistic Composition studies the Elijah cycle narrated in 1 Kgs 17-19. In the context of the books of Kings which are visibly structured round the careers of the kings of Israel and Judah, it is surprising to find the sequence of 1 Kgs 17-19 unfolding the accounts about the single prophet Elijah. The primary aim of the book is to examine the compatibility of Elijah cycle in the Deuteronomistic composition as it is found today, because certain thoughts expressed in this cycle (1 Kgs 17-19) seem to be foreign to that of the Deuteronomistic History. With the help of the Historical-Critical Method, the book tries to show the literary growth of this cycle through pre-exilic, exilic and post-exilic periods. It introduces the reader to a very precise analysis of the texts in doing so higlights historical and theological issues.