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An Exegetical and Theological Analysis Of the Faith Confessions of Rahab

By Alex Ancheles CMF
TPI Dissertation Series In Stock
ISBN: 978-81-952349-6-7


The research takes three stories, the stories of Rahab (Josh 2:1-24; 6:17b, 22-23, 25), widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-24) and Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-19a) as examples of 'inclusive divine plan' and through an exegetical and theological analysis shows that the Gentiles are the other people of Yahweh and his plan for humanity includes everyone. Through his investigation and analysis of the three narratives of Rahab, widow of Zarephath, and Naaman as examples of 'inclusive divine plan' our brother Fr. Alex Ancheles CMF has discovered that the God of the Bible cannot be imprisoned by the exclusive mindset to construct an identity of Israel with the idea of separation and rejection of Gentiles. He has proved in his capacity for scholarly research on the topic by minutely going through all the authors ranging from the beginning of 19th century scholars right up to the present day. Analysing, criticizing, disagreeing and appreciating their theories and important themes he helps us to have a holistic idea about his research theme in a comprehensible manner.