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Justice and Righteousness and Concern for the Poor in Jer 21:1-23:8: A Redactional and Exegetical Analysis

By M.David Stanly Kumar
TPI Dissertation Series In Stock
ISBN: 978-93-83163-44-1
Pages: 561


This book titled Justice and Righteousness and Concern for the Poor in Jer 21:1-23:8: A Redactional and Exegetical Analysis defended at St.Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bengaluru by Fr. M. David Stanly Kumar comes as the fifth book of the TPI Dissertation Series. Jer:21:1-23:8, which is a collection of oracles in prose and poetry addressed to the last kings of the house of David, is the subject matter of this book. These oracles declare executing justice and righteousness as the basic norm of a just ruler ( Jer 21:11, 22:3, 15, 23:5 ) as well as the norm by which the king will be judged. The author follows in this book a critical, historical and theological approach to the chosen Biblical passage. The results of the study gathered in this book provide us with insight into the understanding of the history and theology of Israel during the Neo-Babylonian era and at the beginning of the Persian period, especially to the debates, related to the quest for political and theological identity of a Judean community. The book has the merit of highlighting the neglected side of the prophet Jeremiah - namely his concern for justice and righteousness and his concern for the poor.