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The Power of His Resurrections

By Lucien Legrand, MEP
Sacred Scripture In Stock
ISBN: 978-81-952349-2-9


Much scholarly ink has flown on the various aspects of St. Paul's theology.  But the Lives of the Apostle and other books that look at him from a mission perspective, following mostly the report given by Luke in the Acts of the Apostles, tend to present the superficial immage of an adventurer of God,  running all over the world in pursuit of apostolic successes.  An attentive reading of Paul's own letters reveals a mission perspective which has deeper and wider dimensions than those of a head-on rushing spirit.  A return to the basics of Paul's apostolic perspectives will show that the mission he has received fromt he Risen Lord was the luminous focal point of his thought and life.  It will cast a new light on the mission of the Church today.