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Say the Word, Thus

By Dr. Jose Pelliessery CMI
Sacred Scripture In Stock
ISBN: 978-93-83163-78-6


Say the WORD, Thus, along with the CD, is meant to be a guide for reading the Gospels in English, always keeping in mind the meaning intended by the four Evangelists. Proper delivery of the WORD is crucial in conveying the meaning carried by each verse in the Gospels. The text of the Gospels is taken from the NRSV Gospels and is printed with phonetic signs and symbols conventionally followed in BBC English Phonetics to show the rhythm and intonation of utterances, and the oral rendition of the same has been made accordingly. This text with the CD is a pedagogical venture aimed at making the WORD internationally intelligible and is hoped to benefit not only the second language learners but also the native speakers of English in proclaiming the WORD more intelligibly and effectively.       Say the WORD, Thus enjoys the Paternal blessings of Patrons Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, George Cardinal Alencherry, Fr Dr Paul Achandy CMI (Prior General) and Fr Walter Thelappily CMI (Provincial). It also carries an informative and enlightening Introduction by the author, and comments by Experts in the field of Linguistics and Phonetics: Dr Komali Prakash (EFLU, Hyderabad), Prof. Dr Usha Menon (Thrissur), Dr Simon G Bernabas (Maharashtra), Prof. Dr Peter Tyler (London), and a Foreword by B.A. Prabhakar Babu, Professor of Phonetics and Spoken English (Retd), EFLU, Hyderabad.