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The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology

By Carroll Stuhlmueller
Sacred Scripture In Stock
Pages: lv + 1120


This Indian edition of The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology is a very important reference book in the field of Bible and Pastoral Theology. It was planned and edited by the late Carroll Stuhlmueller, an outstanding biblical scholar in USA. It is a Pastoral Dictionary, intended not primarily for the scholar or academician but for priests, religious and teachers at all levels, and educated laity, who in a variety of settings want to deepen their understanding of the Bible and its proper place within the life of the Church. The articles in this Dictionary not only consider the Bible in itself, but where appropriate, also trace biblical themes and motifs as they have become absorbed and interpreted within the teaching of the Church and its pastoral practice. At the same time, the emphasis of this Dictionary is emphatically biblical. In this dictionary there are seven introductory articles related to the various aspects of biblical studies, hundreds of major articles, some secondary articles as well as brief entries. The book is designed to be a great help to preaching and liturgy preparation, classroom teaching and learning as well as Bible Study and reflection.