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The Mystery of the Triune God and Some of the Resonances in Creation

Indian Theological Series In Stock
ISBN: 978-81-952349-3-6


The Holy Trinity is the core object and the foundational doctrine of Christian Faith.  Owing to the profundity of its very nature, the Mystery of the Holy Trinity is bound to elude complete human comprehension.  By the mere fact that the Holy Trinity is the most intricate and complex of all mysteries, the efforts made during the course of history to understand this Mystery often got caught up not only in the tangles of manifold historical, cultural, and theological considerations but was also made subject to innumerable polemical, apologetic and dogmatic elaborations, with some even going to the point of manintaining extreme heretical positions, Nevertheless, never were efforts lacking from the part of the community of believers not only to revere, uphold, defend and explain this core doctrine, but also to repudiate erroneous interpretations which were countrary to this foundationalf aith affirmation.  This monograph can be considered a classical synthesis of Trinitarian Theology.  The author, Rev. Dr. Dominic Veliath SDB, of happy memory, has accomplished a commendable task by masterfully presenting a trustworthy and panoramic portrait of the way in which the Mystery of the Holy Trinity came to be conceived, understood and develop down the centuries.  Appealing to Scriptural,  Ecclesial, Magisterial, Historical, and Theological witnesses the author presents to us an analytical synthesis of the treatise, punctuated  with many theological insights.  It is to the author's credit that while steering clear of controversies,  it is gives a comprehensive overview of the subject tha tis faithful to Scripture.  Tradition, Magisterium and the best of Christian theological scholarship.  While this book merits universal appeal, it will be of particularly great benefit to the Indian readers because of the special attention it ays to view the Mystery of the Holy Trinity through the prism of the pluralistic  Indian context