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The Church and the Bible

By Dennis J. Murphy MSC
Church Documents In Stock
ISBN: 978-81-88821-02-0
Pages: xcvi + 1045


The Church and the Bible is a resource book that all branches of theology will find useful: not only Bible Studies, but dogmatic, moral, liturgical, pastoral and spiritual theology. Typical examples are the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s studies of Christology, the church, interpretation of the Bible, and the Jewish people and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible, all made available here in one volume in English. These, and other documents, are indispensable resources for students of current theology, as well as those interested in history. A long introduction gives the historical context of the documents as well as the norms to be used in interpreting them. Care is also taken to explain their various levels of authority in order to avoid the danger that the same value be given to all of them indiscriminately.