Theological Publications In India

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History of the World Christian Movement - Vol. I

By Dale T. Irvin Scott W. Sunquist
Church Documents In Stock
ISBN: 978-93-83163-14-4
Pages: xvi + 519


Originally published by Orbis Books, Maryknoll U.S.A. It is the latest contribution of an international team of scholars who have analyzed the dynamic history of the Christian movement from a global perspective. These consultation participants come from Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America and Europe; they belong to Protestant, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, and Orthodox communions, and represent the disciplines of history, missiology, theology, and sociology. This brilliant history reflects an enormous diversity of beliefs and practices over the past two millennia. In fact, the Christian Movement is one that has continuously diversified itself through its expansions, all the while claiming to remain the same. This book is an indispensable tool for the understanding of the Christian movement during the first fifteen centuries and it should have a place in all centers of learning, in diocesan libraries as well as in the communities of Religious Congregations.


The second volume will be published by Orbis Books and TPI will bring out the Indian edition of it also.