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History of the World Christian Movement - Vol. II

By Dale T. Irvin Scott W. Sunquist
Church Documents In Stock
ISBN: 978-81-88821-97-6
Pages: 518


The first volume this groundbreaking history traced the development of Christianity from its origin up to the mid-fifteenth century. It was a landmark in the unfolding understanding of World Christianity. In place of conventional Eurocentric treatments, this work assigned a rightful place to the peoples of Africa, Asia and the Near East in the unfolding of Christianity, a religion constantly evolving in dialogue with new cultures, new questions, and new historical influences.

This second of three volumes continues the fine work of Volume I. While its treatment of the traditional themes of Catholic and Protestant ‘church history’ is solid, this book excels by fully integrating the Orthodox churches into the story and by showing why Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean deserve to be examined as carefully as Europe and North America. It is a wonderful addition to the expanding discourse on the history of world Christianity.