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Biblical Perspectives on Family in the Context of Synod on Family

By Laurence Culas P. Joseph Titus Prema Vakayil
Cbai Seminar Papers Series In Stock
ISBN: 978-93-83163-51-9


In the light of the Synod on Family, the Catholic Biblical Association of India (CBAI) reflected on the biblical perspective of family. This book is a collection of papers on Biblical Perspectives on Family in the Context of Synod on Family. This volume includes fourteen articles and the final statement of CBAI Annual Conference 2015. Biblical teaching repeatedly places the whole family at the heart of God's plan. The perspective of God must control all thoughts in and about family and all that is done as a family. The Catholic Biblical Association of India wishes that the Biblical perspectives provided in this book may inspire the families to find God's light necessary to solve their day-to-day problems and may help families for a nenewal.