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Magisterium: Teaching Authority in the Catholic Church

By Francis A. Sullivan
Theology In Stock
ISBN: 978-81-88821-72-3
Pages: 234


A classic in systematic theology, this book takes the readers to all the areas of Christian faith and praxis. It takes as its point of departure the belief, which Christians as a whole share, namely, that the Church of Christ is maintained in the truth of the Gospel by the Holy Spirit. It then examines the various ministries by which the Gospel has been handed on and interpreted for each generation of believers, looking especially to the role of the bishops, and among them, of the Bishop of Rome, in settling disputes about the faith. Questions concerning papal infallibility, the response called for by papal encyclicals, the critical role of Catholic theologians vis-à-vis the magisterium, are treated in the light of current theological literature, with the non-specialist reader in mind. The book is indispensable for a correct understanding of magisterium, especially in our times.