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Charisms and Charismatic Renewal: A Biblical and Theological Study

By Francis A. Sullivan
Theology In Stock
ISBN: 978-81-88821-73-0
Pages: 184


The rapid growth of the charismatic renewal in the Catholic Church has brought with it both controversy and confusion, and it has raised a number of important theological questions. Is it an authentic renewal movement? What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? How should we understand the gift of tongues? What is prophecy? Does God really heal by supernatural means? One by one, the author takes up these controversial points and analyses them in a systematic manner. The present volume is also a scholarly analysis of this dynamic renewal movement for those who want to know more about its history, theological and scriptural bases, its present impact on the Church,and its probable future course. Here we have a series of clarifications in a field which has up to now been left relatively uncultivated from the point of view of Catholic theology, both systematic and pastoral.