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Politics and Mission in Critical Times: Local and Global Perspective

By Simon Pinto Antony Lawrence Stany C. Fernandes
Missiology In Stock
ISBN: 978-93-88953-16-0


The Department of Missiology at St Peter's Pontifical Institute proudly presents the present edited work POLITICS AND MISSION IN CRITICAL TIMES: LOCAL AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES to the readers' world. The department is 45 years young. Ever since its erection on 6th January 1976, it has been serving the Church in India and abroad offering post-graduate and doctoral studies with specialisation in Missiology. Several students have passed through this department and have contributed to both theology and practice in the mission field. As a feather in its cap, the department of Missiology, organized the first ever International Symposium on Politics and Mission in Critical Times: Local and Global Perspectives, from the 16th to 17th of January 2020 at St Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bengaluru.