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Catechism of the Catholic Church (Pocket Edition)

ISBN: 978-93-83163-34-2
Pages: xviii + 828


Guarding the deposit of faith is the mission which the Lord entrusted to his Church, and which she fulfills in every age. The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, which was opened 50 years ago, had as its intention and purpose to highlight the Church's apostolic and pastoral mission and by making the truth of the Gospel shine forth to lead all people to seek and receive Christ's love, which surpasses all knowledge. This packet book brings to us the deposit of faith to us. This book is a must for all Catholics. Catechism of the Catholic Church in pocket edition which handy and clearly legible for the modern reader. This edition is based on the Latin "Edition Typica", with all the latest modifications. The list of abbreviation and the subject index is presented in a reader friendly way.