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I Believe, The Promise of the Creed

Pope Francis In Stock
ISBN: 978-93-83163-89-2


Drawn from his writings, interviews, and homilies, I  Believe provides and intimate window on the Pope's personal faith and an incomparable introduction to the gospel.  Organized around the principal themes of the Apostles' Creed, these short reading make it clear that the Creed is more than a list of dogmatic propositions; it is an invitation to encounter the living God in the deepest place in our hearts.  And that encounter inspires us to action: to give witness, to practice greater charity, to live in the truth.  The pope's words are also a challenge - to meet the God of surprises, who makes all things new, who accompanies us on our journey.  For anyone seeking a more authentic life,  this is a book to carry treasure.